Thursday, August 21, 2008

Proud to be sticky!

I know at least one reader will understand. I have been playing with glue stick and I am actually sticky. To me this is amazing. I went and bought a brand new glue stick earlier and it is working great. I was really good. They had a great deal on 6 sticks but I only bought two. Given we think my problems in the past have been down to old sticks I am determined to only try to use fresh. Oh and it is working for what I am trying to do as well. Maybe later I will show you.

I wonder what strange searches will lead here today :)


Featheronawire Sally Bramald said...

Told you!

Mary Ann Littlejohn said...

Try keeping your glue sticks in the refrigerator when you're not using them. They won't dry out as fast.

The WestCountryBuddha said...

Yep, that will bring all the odd ones rolling in! You have to wonder how they all find you and if they don't have anything better to do!! Posted as West Country Lady once, and you wouldn't believe how many people thought I was a porn site.

Anonymous said...

A sticky Ferret is a happy Ferret :)