Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bridge in progress.

I hadn't realized but I don't have a name for this piece yet. I had better get a wiggle on with thinking of something. Maybe it will let me it's name tomorrow. I wasn't sure how it was working, but having seen the photograph I think it might come together. This is a serious departure for me. I usually aim for ultra realistic. It drives my art teacher nuts. He keeps telling me I am not a camera and that I should get over the fact my drawings don't look like photographs. So I've been brave with this I have got rough guide lines on the base fabric, but mostly I am making it up as I go along. I am hoping it will be the essence of a bridge over a stream in the spring. This part is just the trees in the background. I am assuming that even on something this blurry it will look better if I make it from the most distant objects to the further forward. I guess I will get to test the theory won't I.

I am making this directly on the longarm. I have the three layers pinned to the frame, and all the pieces cut ready to use. You can probably see in the picture the pencil lines I have as guides. So I just fill in areas with an appropriate colour. Well that is the theory anyway. I haven't marked the different greens on the cloth, those I just place according to my source image. I use a tiny amount of spray baste to make the base fabric a little tacky, then I lay out an area of colour. To hold everything in place I quilt it quite densely. For the trees and bushed I have been using an leafy pattern. I rather like it, and I finally seem to have got the hang of it. There are always a few pieces that try and leap out of the way of the foot, but I am getting better an spotting them and holding them down long enough to quilt over. I could have just covered it all with wash away stabilizer, but I don't really want to get this quilt wet as some of the fabrics are batik and bound to run. I think I have done about a quarter of the quilt today, and I think it is going quicker as I do more, so it looks like I should be able to get it finished in time.


Anonymous said...

This looks really interesting - I wouldn't mind a close up! It sounds as if you're enjoying the experience of trying something different. It takes courage to do that sometimes doesn't it? Best wishes for 2007.

Ferret said...

I will try and take a close up tonight. I forgot last night. I did look to see if I could get the details from cropping one of the pictures but they weren't really up to it. Sorry about that. I love doing things that haven't or can't be done. I really want to know how far I can push these things.

Anonymous said...

I could actually see the bridge in the small photo and was amazed when I clicked on it to see it enlarged. Looks really wonderful - can't wait to see it finished! Am going to put a link on my blog now.

Penny said...

It's looking good, very leafy.

Ferret said...

Yay, I think I have just finished the background trees and leaves, so I am sitting here with a box of ground :) Well path and base of bridge anyway. I am going to unwind it later to have a good look and get some more pictures.

Dormouse said...

That looks really cool. Is it just squares of colour or are you using different shapes?

Ferret said...

So far all square (ish) except for 2 triangles, and I realised after that they could have been square too.