Thursday, August 10, 2006

Tread Lightly - More information

'Tread Lightly' is about 70cm in diameter. The internal structure is an exercise ball, currently full of air. Unfortunately this is very sensitive to temperature changes, so when it comes back I will be filling it with expanding foam. The patterns for the globe is based on a cardboard globe from Greaves and Thomas. They are an old map making company who really know their stuff. They sell these small flat pack globes for those who can't afford their large ones. The pattern didn't come out quite right for me, but a globe is very easy to do fitting on compared to a human. I stitched the skin, fitted the ball, checked how much slack I had then took it apart and re-sewed it. The top of the globe had to be hand stitched closed with the ball partially deflated to have room to hold things together for sewing. I've also embedded a magnet in the polar ice cap. This means I can attach things like show information without using pins, which would be dangerous to the inner ball.

If you have any more questions, leave me a comment and I will add to this post for you. Everything is so obvious when you've been working on a project so it is easy to forget interesting details.

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