Thursday, June 22, 2006


I hate this phase in the project. I take the quilt and hang it up, then all I can see are faults. Right now I hate Miss Baltimore. I needed to take it off the frame and have a look at it so I could see what more I have to do, but I wish I didn't have to. On one hand it is the first time I have see the whole thing in one go. I don't have anywhere big enough to lay it out so I have to wait until it is safe to hang. I think overall the concept works but...

I had to press the quilt once it came off the frame which has flattened it a bit but it still doesn't hang well. It needs blocking, but to block it I need a space to pin it out on. I don't have one :( I think I will also have to quilt her bikini bottoms. It's a shame I would have liked them to sit loose as though they were covering her form. I think to do that I would have had to have quilted all of her, including the area they cover and then have added them at the very last moment. I think I may try that when I do my next clothed figure. I also have some wrinkles I don't like. They are just from pressing and again would come out easily by blocking. I wonder if I can get some sort of board from Homebase that I could make into a big pressing/blocking board, and if I do where on earth am I going to store it.

The only significant problem is the quilting on the face. I feel it needs more but I don't know what sort. Inspiration hasn't caught me up yet. The banner I think will either be parallel (in the loosest sense of the word) lines to emphasize it's movement or a micro stipple. Given I can't decide now I guess it is a good time to work on the hanging sleeves for the triptych of nudes.

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